May 28, 2017 | Afternoon | God's justice is the foundation of our deliverance | Rev. D. Agema | Hebrews 9:11–28 |
May 28, 2017 | Morning | The King of the Church uses the witness of his apostles to restore his kingdom | Rev. D. Agema | Acts 1:6–11 |
May 21, 2017 | Afternoon | The Lord Maintains his Faithfulness | Rev. J. DeGelder | Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 4 |
May 21, 2017 | Morning | Are you at Peace with God? | Rev. J. DeGelder | Psalm 131:1–3 |
May 14, 2017 | Afternoon | God made us in his image | Dr. T. VanRaalte | Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 3 |
May 14, 2017 | Morning | For whose sake? | Dr. T. VanRaalte | Isaiah 48:9–11 |
May 07, 2017 | Afternoon | The depth of our sin is revealed in the law of love of our God | Prof. G. H. Visscher | Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 2 |
May 07, 2017 | Morning | Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus | Prof. G. H. Visscher | Ephesians 6:24 |